Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Anyone Know Anything About This?

Does anyone out there know anything about this casserole dish? A few months ago, my roommate and I took a trip to Columbus and stopped by a few antique malls. The one was so expensive that we only spent a few minutes there before turning around the heading off. It was the kind of place where $100 might (might) get you a single piece of Pyrex, and if you want a metal sign, you're looking at spending a few thousand.

One of the other ones was a little more affordable, but I ended up spending $15 to buy a book on Heywood Wakefield and an ashtray, and he spent well under $10 for this. It wasn't until last weekend when we were unloading the Best Yard Sale Ever stuff that he found this and remembered buying it. It didn't click in my mind until he unwrapped it at the house that, "hey! That looks like a Georges Briard piece." Sure enough, it's marked right on the lid.

I have absolutely no experience with stuff like this. I can identify a Glasbake, Fire King or Pyrex dish from 20 feet away (and sometimes have!), but this is way outside my area of expertise. I'm hoping someone in the blog world can tell him if this was a good deal or not. I believe he paid around $8 for it?

My concern is that the cradle doesn't match the casserole. It looks similar to a small one I picked up from a rummage sale that goes with a Corningware dish. If anyone knows if it matches or goes with something else, let me know!

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