Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cute Finds from the Urbana Flea Market

I never mentioned this on my blog before, but my mother passed away back in March. She and my dad ran their own flea market booth for over a decade, she hit the World's Longest Sale with us last year, and helped my dad run a booth in Richmond. I've been spending a lot of time with him this summer, hitting flea markets and doing yard sales. It keeps us busy and distracted, which is always a good thing. We stopped by the Urbana Flea Market & Antique Show last month, and I never got around to posting my finds.

One of the first things I got were these Holly Hobbie glasses. My mom bought me the Holly Hobbie cradle when I was a kid, and I used the heck out of that thing! Two of these are Christmas glasses, one is a regular glass, and all three are Coca-Cola. The vendor had $1 each on them, let me have all three for two, and honestly seemed surprised anyone bought them!

A vendor had a ton (TON!!!) of vintage Tupperware in her booth, but her prices were a little cray-cray. I see so much of the brown/gold/green that I love so much at thrift stores and yard sales that there was no way I was paying $10+ for an individual piece. Another vendor had this one for 75 cents. I think I'll probably use it to keep water on hand when I'm working...

This little guy was so adorable that I couldn't leave him behind, especially not for $2. He'll probably become my new pen cup since I seem to have a black thumb this year. I saw the exact same one at another booth later in the day for $12, so I think I got a good deal LOL

I have no kids, but I do, however, have a vintage rocking duck for the kids I may one day have. We're thinking of putting a bag in the bottom and using it to store our dog's toys. She has so many toys, and I keep tripping over them all the time, so this might work out nicely.

This is my first ever large blow mold purchase. I only paid $2!!! Santa is missing a piece of the sled that fits on the bottom, and the reindeer is missing his/her horns. Once the snow falls, you can't tell that the sled is missing anything, and I'm planning on putting a Santa hat on the reindeer so the other reindeer in town won't pick on him.

This is me cheating a bit because this didn't come from the flea market. It actually came from this locally owned store called Game Swap. They buy and sell movies, games, music, and nine billion other things. While on a hunt for Pop Vinyl figures, I found this vintage Cabbage Patch Kids metal lunchbox. It doesn't have a thermos, but for $3.99, I'm not complaining!

We actually went back to the same flea market this month, but I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of our finds just quite yet. I also grabbed some stuff at a thrift store while heading home from a family reunion in Michigan AND still need to post pictures of all my blow mold finds from a few weeks ago, so look forward to some upcoming posts!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Community Yard Sales

This weekend marked one of the biggest community yard sale events in my area, but with the rain pouring down on Friday night, no one knew if it would actually happen. Woke up Saturday morning to a few clouds, but those clouds gave way to temperatures in the 90s and sunshine the rest of the day. My and my boyfriend's brand new matching sunburns prove it!

We went out with my dad and managed to find some good stuff. The boyfriend snagged two brand new looking pairs of jeans for 50 cents, a video game that came out a few months ago for $8, and some other random stuff. We also found eight dog toys for 25 cents each, cat treats for 50 cents each, and other stuff we actually needed.

I did have a few complaints though. First of all, we came across a lot (a lot) of yard sales where people were selling toilet paper, canned goods, bread, and other stuff from local food pantries. My dad said that people set up at one of the flea markets where he goes every weekend to sell the same stuff. It just seems to me like that's taking from people who actually need it.

My other complaint was from an eBay sale. Everything in the "yard sale" was price according to eBay prices. The wife of the couple was actually on her smartphone and looking at prices while pricing new stuff they put out. They had a used chainsaw that someone priced at $179 on eBay brand new, and they were literally putting the same price on it. They also had a Huffy bike the boyfriend loved that they wanted $200 for. He checked on his phone and found it going for half that currently online. Oh, and a not-at-all-vintage Coca-Cola table and chairs from the 1990s that they priced at $240 with a note that it was vintage from the 50s. Sure. Now that I've finished my whining, let's just get to the good stuff!
Some of my pictures are slanted, so I apologize. I've loved Eyeore since I was a kid, so this mug for $1 was a no brainer. I think it's funny to see expensive stuff from the Disney Store show up at sales. The little Snoopy was actually a kids' meal toy from Wendy's when I worked there in 98-99. It was a quarter for my Snoopy loving boyfriend.

I had this exact same caterpillar when I was a kid. The lady running the sale gave her to me for 50 cents and asked if I wanted the similar orange one. The orange one belonged to her son, and her daughter had the pink one. It's worth noting that the orange caterpillar was in near mint condition, while this one definitely shows some love.

This was a boyfriend buy for $1 or something. He bought a glass, an ashtray, and something else from one of those donation sales that I hate. Even their bake sale was donation only, which left me wondering how much to pay for two itty bitty brownie slices and a rice krispie treat.

This came from one of those I-don't-want-to-get-out-of-the-car-sales. It was five tables of kids clothes with some toys underneath. My dad wanted to ask about a car they had up for sale. Knowing my love of owls, the boyfriend got this for me for a dollar and the seller threw in a light up pumpkin. This is actually a Hallmark product with its $14.95 tag still attached. It sings and dances and still works!

Who can pass up a vintage ice crusher for 50 cents? It actually has a dial on the front that lets you turn it to change the size of the cubes. We also got a barely used cat condo for $5 from the same sale that our cats refuse to get in but like standing on top of to watch television. I also got this fantastic vintage looking popcorn popper for $5 that I forgot to photograph. I nearly paid $100+ for one last year, so it was a great steal. We even used it last night while watching The Duff.

I love The Muppets, have since I was a kid, and got this same set when I was younger. Unfortunately, each one in my original set is missing hats or something. I know we bought a few of these in the past, but I won't complain about spending $1.50 for another set LOL.

The boyfriend grabbed the Peanuts books from a sale where all books were 25 cents. He then decided to just get a few other vintage books. The seller was so excited to sell some books that she only charged him 50 cents for all of them.

Who could pass up Pound Puppies and one Pound Kitty? These were the kids' meal toys from when I was a kid. We paid 25 cents a piece for each one plus the Snoopy.

This is the pumpkin that the seller threw in for free with the Halloween owl. I think he looks pretty sinister sitting on the top of the car!

I thought this was super cute but probably overpaid for it. It had Pete's Dragon and a few other Disney books in it. Each one comes with a record so you can read along with the books. The seller said it was hers when she was a kid but her husband had the same one so they decided to get rid of one. When I got it home though, it's mainly random stories, missing The Pokie Little Puppy shown on the front, and is probably not worth the $5 I paid considering that I find these book/record sets individually pretty cheap.

This will probably be a purchase I end up regretting. I love Halloween and $3 really isn't too bad, but I have so much Halloween stuff that this will probably end up in a box somewhere.

One of my only Pyrex purchases of the day! The boyfriend spotted it way before me. Not only is it my favorite pattern, but it was only $1. The seller and I then had fun talking about vintage Pyrex, Corningware, and Vision Ware.

My other Pyrex find came from a sale filled with guy stuff, lots of oil cans, car parts, and hats. It does have some marks on the front that I haven't tried to get off yet, but it was only $1. I came thisclose to buying both jars from a thrift store that thinks it's an antique mall for $10 each last summer, so I'm glad I found this one!

We already have this one, but couldn't pass up another one for 50 cents. The boyfriend and I both love tiki stuff, but the roommate is not a fan.

The other big find of the day was this working vacuum sealer with a nearly brand new roll of bags for a buck. I was so obsessed with these when I was a kid that I would actually watch the infomercial over and over again. It was kind of nice to find one so cheap that I can play with without making a real investment.

Believe it or not, this isn't everything I bought this weekend. The roommate and I found one of those get in the car before they catch us sales on Friday. I got the mother load of blow molds for an amazing price. I'll post pictures as soon as we get his car cleaned out...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tipp City Community Yard Sales

I live in Dayton, Ohio (or at least I do for the next few months – long story!), which is around 30 minutes south of the town of Tipp City, which hosts a BIG community yard sale every year. The first year I went was back in my eBay days, and I bought $10 worth of New Kids on the Block memorabilia from a woman selling her daughter's collection. I kept a few things and sold the rest for over $100. Sadly, I've never come across any other deals like that, but I think I did pretty good this year!

Since the boyfriend and best friend had to work, I hit the sales with my dad. This little baby was just waiting for me at the first one. As a Notre Dame fan, I'm definitely not passing up a car magnet still sealed in the packaging for $1. As a side note, we later went to the flea market where my dad has a booth and someone had the exact same magnet for $9.99.

I have another blog (one of several) where I recap young adult books from when I was a kid. I've picked up a few Nancy Drew books here and there, but I found THREE for $1.25 at one of the sales: 50 cents each for the hardback books and a quarter for the paperback.

I have a hard time passing up Corelle bowls. They are the perfect size for cereal, soups, etc. I snagged eight of these bowls at a church sale for $2. Half are this pattern and half are Woodland, both of which I have in other pieces.

At one of those random "let's throw everything together and see what sells" sales, I picked up these two candles. I absolutely cannot get enough of anything cranberry scented.

The prices at this sale were kind of crazy though. I spotted a collection of table lighters from across the garage and made a beeline over before almost going into sticker shock. The cheapest one they had was $10 and the first one I picked up was $25. They also had some of those reproduction cast iron banks that they had priced at $25 to $50+. Ridiculous.

Josie and the Pussycats is one of my guilty pleasure movies, and I was happy to grab the soundtrack for a buck. The seller and I spent a few minutes talking about how much we loved the movie. I'm pretty sure my dad hates it though, especially after having to listen to it on repeat all day! LOL

These movies came from the same crazy priced sale. They had a ton of movies for $2 each. The Disney one is one I don't have in my collection, the classic horror set will one day serve as reviews for one of my other blogs, and the Garfield DVD was for the boyfriend. Apparently some of the Garfield DVDs are now out of print, and we were just at a used movie and game place that had one priced at $40.

I'm really curious (or maybe shouldn't be curious!) about where the movies came from. Some were still sealed with the store tags on the front. The dad got The Outer Limits Season 1 for $5 still sealed with a $45 price tag from Meijer on the front.

I have a piece of Glasbake in this same pattern, but I walked away from this dish a few times. My dad was still standing on the porch of the sale and buying a digital camera (for $5!) when I yelled up and had him grab it for me. None of my Pyrex works well for brownies, but this little $1 pan should do the job.

We went back to the church sale at noon when they dropped everything to half price. Despite wandering around the kitchen area multiple times, I didn't see these until hours later. Both are Taylor, Smith, Taylor mugs that match the dishes I collect. Each one was priced at 5 cents and were half price, but I just gave them a quarter.

These were also half price at the church sale, so $1 for eight mugs in the Woodland pattern. My dad made out much better at the sale than I did. He got multiple dish sets, snack sets, some tools, and who knows what else for around $10. This sale made me so sad though. They had this amazing little mid-century modern green industrial desk chair for $15 that was still there at the end of the sale. I wanted it so bad, but there was no way it was fitting in the car.

There is this charity sale every year that doesn't price anything. Last year, I picked up a few small things, gave the lady $5, and she got a bad attitude about how it wasn't "enough" of a donation. It turns out that my dad hit the same sale last year, got the same woman, and got the same attitude. This year, I gave the woman working $2 for this piece of Opal Pyrex, and she was so excited! Her exact comment was, "you're giving me $2 for that?" Yes siree bob.

My dad got the find of the day though. He paid $10 for a vintage 1966 telescope in the original box with its original wood stand. The only ones I found online go for $100 or more. Trust me when I say that sucker was extremely heavy, given that I was the one stuck carrying it three blocks back to the car.

I need to get a few of my cats spayed and only have one carrier. The places around here charge $10 for a little cardboard carrier, but I got this one for $3, which will come in handy when we move. I passed up on one earlier in the day for $8 before finding this one. The funny thing is that the man running the sale gave me a higher price for it before I pointed out the sticker on the top. He wasn't too happy that his wife priced it so low.

The Winnie the Pooh cookbook was $1, but I loved the graphics inside. This one is from the early 70s and is a reprint from the 60s book. The cover says it's a companion to a Pooh party planning book, so now I must be on the lookout for that one!

This set came from the church sale too. I can't remember if it was $1 or $1.50, and I'm not sure if the lid on the sugar dish is the right one. It fits right, but it's made of plastic...

This is what I am most excited about. I love the movie ET so much. It was the first movie I saw in theaters, I went back and saw it when it was rereleased, my dad got me the fancy DVD box set for the anniversary edition, and I have a ton of merchandise and memorabilia around my house. The church sale had this priced at 10 cents, but I didn't see it until the half price sale. I showed it to my dad and he promptly bought it for me. It's a poster advertising the ET ride at Universal Studios and is dated 1991. That is right around the time we went to the park and I went on this exact ride with my dad.

I managed to pick up some stuff, but the sale seemed a little lackluster this year. They divided the city into different zones and gave out maps, but some of the zones had no sales at all. In previous years, we could park and hit 10 or more sales in a few blocks. We did a lot more walking this year and didn't come home with nearly as much. Hopefully this isn't a sign of what the rest of the summer holds...

Monday, February 23, 2015

Eeh Gads!

I absolutely cannot believe how long it's been since I posted! Everything has been so dry around here lately that it's hard to find goof stuff. Some of my local thrifts even started marking up Fire King to the point where it's now just as expensive as Pyrex! While going through my uploads, I found some pictures I hadn't yet posted, so I thought I would share.

I have a weird fascination with Herman Miller fish. My mom had a set of the pink fish with the bubbles in our bathroom for years but has no idea what happened to them. These guys were $1.99 a piece and have some minor damage, but I love them so much that they now hang in my bathroom.

This is actually the set of Pyrex that we had in my house growing up. My mom still uses the largest Cinderella bowl for her dogs' water. I recently pulled some of my better pieces out of rotation from fear that one would get broke, so this one went right in the cabinet.
I really don't know when McDonald's released these glasses, but I found a couple in a super tiny thrift store. Two came home with me, and two went to my dad's flea market booth. I like the colors and the retro designs.

Despite grand plans to make a few ornament wreaths this year, that didn't happen. I paid a buck for this box and put it with some others for next year. I have some fond memories of shopping there with my grandma when I was a kid.

I paid $3 for all three of these bowls from the same tiny thrift I found the McDonald's glasses. They already went into rotation as chili/vegetable soup/chicken pot pie soup this winter.

I have a tendency to never leave behind any Spice of Life canisters. The medium one was $.99 and the largest was $1.99 at that same itty bitty thrift store. My closest thrift recently had a few priced at $6.99 each! I recently found a set with the wheat pattern at a flea market. Though my roommate hates the pattern and I really don't need any more canisters, I have a feeling that I'll go back.

I have a bunch of other stuff I bought and haven't yet uploaded. Hopefully I can get around to doing that and updating the blog more :)